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Carla is fun, fiesty, and has a deep passion to help.

She is professionally trained yoga teacher, trauma certified, emotional wellness educator and breathwork facilitator.

Her mission is to educate about emotional wellness for healing + happiness. Specialising in helping women identify their emotions, needs, wants and expressing these to create the life they want.

Carla offers guestspeaking, 1:1 coaching, online courses, inperson breathwork classes and yoga classes. Based in London and works across the UK and Ireland.

All Carla’s services are designed to support your healing and connect you to the intelligence and answers that lie within your body. Everything you seek, lies within.

Carla is from a single parent family and grew up in a council estate in West Belfast. First in her family to graduate, Carla went on to work in marketing and sales roles for big drink brands for 10 years. Always driven and ambitious until she hit a block of no longer having any drive. Carla could not connect to any passions or know what she wanted which lead her to talk therapy. Through talk therapy she was diagnosed with PTSD and prescribed yoga (Carla’s worse nightmare) as she couldn’t feel her body or describe any sensations on her body. Then when her heart was broken in 2017 by feeling powerless to help someone she loved, she went to Bali to learn more about healing. 

A year later she quit her corporate job to teach yoga full time. Carla pursuit of studying healing as lead her to travelling the world in pursuit to work with leading pioneers in field of trauma and healing. Carla is dedicated to learning as much as she can about the body, breath and healing and helping others.


2017  200 YTT, Hatha yoga with meditation, with Emily Kruser, Bali

2018 Trauma Informed Yoga with Yoga for Humankind, Portugal

2019 300 Sex, Wealth and Death Advanced YTT with Emily Kruger , Bali

2021 Breathwork Facilitator course with Alchemy of Breath  

2022 Embodied Flow and Somatics 300 TT, with Tara Judelle, Bali