Sunrise & Sunset Yoga & Ocean Dips


Watch how darkness turns into light.

Feel how fear transmutes to highs.

There’s something very magical about gathering on the beach in darkness.

  • So quiet and peaceful.

  • Special time just for you before the rest of world wakes up.

  • Breathing + moving in rhythm.

  • Melting tension from your body.

  • Watching the sky change colours.

  • Smelling the ocean air, feeling the ocean mist.

  • Hearing the roar of the waves.

  • Stimulating all your senses.

  • Sharing this experience with a group of like minded strangers.

  • Connecting to the ocean of wisdom and belonging that lives in your body and the sea.

Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
— Victor Hugo

Practising in darkness into light reminds our sense of this, and in turn our minds.

Yoga activates our body’s own ability to heal by giving it the fuel it needs (our breath) and our attention (attention = energy, where attention goes energy flows).

Cold water therapy also activates our body’s natural healing powers. This is why yoga and cold water therapy is such a powerful, medicinal combination. Yoga creates heat to heal our inner body and wash the residue away in the cold water.

Feeling revived and renewed.

Our Oceans absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, absorbing our waste.

Our skin is the first part of our nervous system that communicates with the external world.

Our skin is living and breathing, taking in nourishment for the air, releasing waste.

We now know through science that…

our exhale releases waste on physical, physiological and psychological level in every cell breathing our bodies.
— Peter Litchfield, breathing specialist

I wonder does the ocean absorb that waste from our bodies, it feels like it does.

We don’t heal in isolation but in community.
— S. Kelly Harrell